Aliens etc

“A rare video has surfaced with important interviews and testimony concerning George Adamski’s claims of having filmed flying saucers and having met with their extraterrestrial occupants. The video gives credence to Adamski’s claims of having secret meetings with European dignitaries including Pope John XXIII and members of the Pentagon to secretly brief them about extraterrestrial life.”

(May 20 2009, via Phantoms & Monsters)

Yes, please. (I need that dollar!)

“A Christian counter-cult ministry will hold a symposium as part of the upcoming Roswell UFO Festival (July 03 to July 05, 2009), putting its own angle on the ongoing debate concerning the mysterious existence or otherwise of unidentified flying objects and alien species.” (May 13 2009, via Phantoms & Monsters)

“The most famous, or infamous, military base in the world, Nevada’s Area 51, is once again generating its share of wild speculation. The story continues to circulate that the base has either shut down or moved its most sensitive projects to other less-visible locations.”

(Via Phantoms & Monsters.)

Really, doesn’t cliched music from the 1960s make every UFO sighting more believable? The bright green lettering, helpfully explaining the blob you’re seeing, enhances the realism too.

A woman in Qatar snapped a photo of a creature in a parking lot whom many witnesses also claim to have seen. Could it be a living relative of the Hobbit fossils found recently?

“The Republic of Kazakhstan in Central Asia is in the process of building the world’s first alien embassy according to some local media reports. If these reports are to be believed, the authorities have already allocated a large plot of land in the city of Almaty for this ambitious project. Facilities to be built within the complex will include a guesthouse, theatre and translation service. A purpose built UFO landing pad and checkpoint will be attached to the embassy.” (April 9, 2009)

“Mitchell, who was part of the 1971 Apollo 14 moon mission, asserted Monday that extraterrestrial life exists, and that the truth is being concealed by the U.S. and other governments.”

That’s the tantalizing implication of a pattern found in the formation of amino acids in meteorites, deep-sea hydrothermal vents, and simulations of primordial Earth. The pattern appears to follow basic thermodynamic laws, applicable throughout the known universe.

Bring on the mutant half-breeds!

“How could jurors tell Rogers’ confession to all the shootings was bogus?

“Aliens, Weber explained.”

(March 24, 2009. Via Phantoms & Monsters.)

“British military investigators interviewed a woman who claimed to have met a man from another planet while she was walking her dog, newly released Ministry of Defence files have revealed.

“The woman said she had been approached by a man with a ‘Scandinavian-type accent’ dressed in a flying suit-style outfit while out walking on a sports field near Norwich, eastern England, in 1989.”

“After years of dismissing the story as false, Scientology spokesman Tommy Davis has confirmed that the story of mankind’s origins involving an alien overlord named Xenu is indeed authentic Scientology teaching.” (March 15, 2009, via Phantoms & Monsters)

“Will President Obama be the one to finally open the government’s secret files on UFO’s? That’s the burning question at this year’s International UFO Congress going on in Laughlin.”

Via Phantoms & Monsters.

I suppose I should point out that the labels seem a bit dubious. A number of the “undisputed physical evidence or historical fact” listings seem to be nothing more than eyewitness reports. I guess the fact that a witness reported seeing something is a historical fact, but it seems misleading to label them as such, when you have the perfectly serviceable categories “Witness report untainted trained/careful/credible observer” and “Eye-witness testimony of untainted layperson.”

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